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Larry Krone:artist]entertainer
Larry Krone:artist]entertainer

Larry Krone:artist]entertainer

Estoque: 3 Marca: FBOOK COMERCIO DE LIVROS E REV Referência: 9780977752805

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This first comprehensive publication on the New York performance artist Larry Krone is also an artist s edition, a box whose contents include a CD sound track to his latest show and a pattern for making your own stage costume, the eponymous Underpants of Many Colors. The suitcase-style packaging bears Krone s unique graphic look, and, inside, additional components including a pocket for reproductions of performance programs, copies suitable for framing and a 56-page booklet. Artist/Entertainer surveys 10 years of handmade art objects alongside Krone s keenly crafted performance pieces, where improvisation, country music, poetry, costume and family meet amid lowbrow stage sets. Underpants of Many Colors, documented here in music, costume and description, is a lively exploration into themes of love and loss, kitsch and domesticity, and finally, obsession. Krone s work has been seen at the Whitney museum of American Art and the New Museum of Contemporary Art.

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  • Avaliação:
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  • Ano de publicação: 2006
  • Peso: 790
  • Formato: Livro
  • Autor: IVY COOPER
  • Edição: 1
  • Encadernação: Capa Dura
  • Origem: Importado
  • Páginas: 96

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