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Kinfolk Volume 20
Kinfolk Volume 20

Kinfolk Volume 20

Estoque: 1 Marca: FBOOK COMERCIO DE LIVROS E REV Referência: 9781941815236

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The summer edition of Kinfolk not only draws attention to far-flung locations but also to those who choose to stay local and see their surroundings anew. Pulling from our global community of contributors from Stockholm to Tokyo, we embarked on ventures in more than a dozen cities on four continents. Through exposure to new cultures and foreign contexts, we often return home filled with fresh perspectives that can make the everyday seem exotic, but worldly experiences don t start and end at the baggage claim it s what we do with those memories once we ve unpacked our suitcases that really makes a difference in the long run.

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  • Avaliação:
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  • Ano de publicação: 2016
  • Peso: 770
  • Formato: Livro
  • Autor: OUUR
  • Edição: 1
  • Encadernação: Brochura
  • Origem: Importado
  • Páginas: 176

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