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Blueberries For Sal
Blueberries For Sal

Blueberries For Sal

Estoque: 1 Marca: FBOOK COMERCIO DE LIVROS E REV Referência: 9780142416433

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IWhat happens when Sal and her mother meet a mother bear and her cub? A beloved classic is born! Kuplink, kuplank, kuplunk! Sal and her mother a picking blueberries to can for the winter. But when Sal wanders to the other side of Blueberry Hill, she discovers a mama bear preparing for her own long winter. Meanwhile Sal s mother is being followed by a small bear with a big appetite for berries! Will each mother go home with the right little one? With its expressive line drawings and charming story, Blueberries for Sal has won readers hearts since its first publication in 1948. This book-and-audio edition features the Puffin paperback picture book edition of Blueberries for Sal accompanied by a compact disc that features a lively, professional reading of the story. Perfect for road trips or bedtime reading, story time, preschool, or home school, Puffin Storytime will please children and parents alike.

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  • Avaliação:
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  • Título do livro: BLUEBERRIES FOR SAL
  • Ano de publicação: 2010
  • Idioma: Português
  • Peso: 400
  • Formato: Livro
  • Autor: MCCLOSKEY
  • Edição: 1
  • Encadernação: Brochura
  • Origem: Importado
  • Páginas: 94
  • Editora do livro: M.T.PUBLISHER
  • Subtítulo do livro: Não aplica
  • Série: Não aplica

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